
Le célèbre groupe Finzo Beats lance son nouveau titre : Power of Now

Le célèbre groupe Finzo Beats lance son nouveau titre : Power of Now

Alors vous en pensez quoi ? 

 Leurs message en ces temps ou la positivité est nécessaire : 

"These times are getting harder and harder, we're individually engaged in our own fight for survival.
We believe that it is the purpose of every artist:
To become a messenger of hope and to reach people's hearts through the expression of these emotions that we feel are present all around us.
Because of the evolution of the pandemic, a vast majority of humanity had to give up on plans that have required sometimes years of preparation and dedication, some of us even had to give up on their dreams, leaving us with nothing but one thing, which is The Present Moment, for everything else has become uncertain and we can feel through every passing day that things are only getting more and more uncertain and blurry.
These times are also a reminder of one of the most powerful feelings that we can experience as humans: Hope, for it is only by cultivating hope in our hearts that we'll ever find the strength to believe in a better tomorrow, to keep fighting and say "The best is yet to come".
This isn't just music, there's also a visual that we worked hard to make, with the means that we had available to us.
We put aside all of our personal issues and decided to share a moment of peace with you all, we love you, for we're united and facing the same fear together.
We can only grow through your feedback, and your support, there's nothing we can ever achieve by ourselves, we are always happy and thrilled when you take the time to write us an encouraging comment, leave a like or even share our songs, your support as individuals is what's keeping us hopeful, we wanted to make you hopeful as well.
The Finzo Beats family."

Nous on ne peut que les encourager !

Pour les suivre cliquez-ici : Finzo Beats